Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mind Your Manners

Today I was reading a new Squidoo blog - Squidoo Land - and found some great links to lens sharing places online. So I went to check out and saw a lens entitled "Be a Good Squid". I thought that sounded pretty interesting, and so it was. The lensmaster - The_Party_Animal - has some pretty good tips on being an active member of the Squidoo community. Party Animal discusses the importance of responding to positive Guestbook feedback by visiting posters' lenses, and nominating things you like for Lens of the Day. I think I found my next pick, anyway!

The most ingenious part is the "One Hand Washes the Other" plexo, where lensmasters can leave their most visit-needy lens, assuming they will visit the last posted link as well. Naturally, I had to jump on board for that. Even before joining Squidoo, I was quite fond of 'telephone' or relay style games via web forums. It's interesting to see what happens when people participate in a chain-link activity. It's like chain letters, but without all the guilt and postage.

Well, I'm happy to say that I already do 99% of the "Squid Manners" - I guess it is about time I stopped by SquidU. I do love stumbling across Squidoo gems.

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