Like many lensmasters, I didn’t create a
Facebook account until after joining Squidoo. I had hoped that by posting my creations for all of my ‘friends’ to see, I would get a little extra traffic, maybe some comments or even a little praise.
What I actually got were a lot of requests to join groups, sign petitions, and add apps like “top friends” and poker games. You know the ones. My inbox is full of requests that I just don’t have the heart to ignore, but have no intention of responding to. The only apps I have added are feeds to my and Digg activities. Facebook is like a second
Twitter to me. And with the new Facbook Connect tool on Squidoo, it’s even better.
Recently many of my friends and family members started passing around a chain-letter type message on Facebook called “25 Random Things About Me”. At first, I groaned. Between Squidoo, my own website, and my two blogs, I don’t exactly have time to play Facebook tag for kicks.
But then I had an idea. What if I threw a little HTML into my response, and directed readers to my lenses?
Suddenly, the chain letter didn’t seem like a waste of time. I was able to work 7 or 8 lenses into my 25 responses without feeling like I was taking advantage. Just as I had hoped, my lens stats are showing a few visits from Facebook daily. Not much, but every visit counts.
Some other tips for using Facebook to promote your Squidiness:1. Turn comments on in your updates, so that friends will see any comments you make on notes, posted items and photos. Whenever you post a link to one of your lenses, comment on it, and more people will be able to see it when they log in.
2. Comment on your own activities and include links to your lenses or blogs where appropriate. For example, if you RSVP to an event, comment on the update and include a link to your lens that’s related to the theme.
3. Do you use videos on your lenses? Whenever you add a new
YouTube video to a lens, post the same video to Facebook, and let your friends know that you’ve chosen it for your lens. Post a link!
4. When you add a new Duel or
Prediction module to a lens, invite your Facebook friends to join in the discussion. The same goes for
TwttrStrm lenses, too.
5. Be nice! Have fun, all that good stuff.