Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Good News All Around

There's so many great things to report, I don't even know where to begin!
Let's start with one of my favorite Lensmasters, Bradshaw, who was super awesome for blogging about one of my lenses. He's got a great Squid blog going called Squidoo Land, and a Facebook Group for lensmasters, among other great projects. He's got the Squidoo bug bad, and it's all good for lensmasters everywhere!

I've had my first's still pending, and it's only 48 cents, but that's 48 cents more than zero! Someone was poking around on Beading and Beyond, browsing for beads, and I got lucky! So far it's the most successful of all my lenses, though it is soon to be surpassed by my most popular holiday page. Still, it will probably remain the most popular beading lens on my list, though I would love to see it hit a triple digit lensrank.

I also must give many thanks to fabulous lensmaster spirituality for including my beading group in her Great Squidoo Groups Lensography. There are some awesome bead artists showcased in the group, and I hope they'll get plenty of exposure! I highly recommend adding Great Squidoo Groups to your favorites. It's the perfect place to shop for your newest lens' first group.


  1. Your group is great. It deserves its spot on my squidoo group lensography.

    Like your blog.

  2. Congratulations on the earnings!! I am certain you'll have more to come. :)

    Bradshaw did something else this week: He won the Name My Kitten "contest" held at my GrowWear.SquidTop blog. He "wins" a prominent feature on the ASPCA lens I am making for "Coco."

  3. Thanks for the mention. I love this blog & will put a link into Squid_Etiquette. I want to do a module on other people's views of how to behave on Squidoo.


  4. Hey, I just discovered your blog! That's me with my name in pixels! I've still got the bug baaad. I'm up to 127 published lenses with another 40 in the pipeline.

    Thanks for the shout out and sorry it took me so long to stop in and say hi.


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Squidophile has been suspended to make way for other projects. To see what I've been up to lately, please stop by Inspirational Beading. For more great Squidoo content and blogs, check for some recommended links here: Great Squidoo Blogs.

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